The Academic Medical Centre (AMC)
A competence centre for human medicine

The Academic Medical Centre (AMC) is the most famous medical science institution in the Netherlands and one of the largest clinics in the country. The medical faculty and the clinic of the University of Amsterdam work under the same roof with the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the medical department of the Royal Tropical Institute. A range of biotech companies round off the concentrated medical competences here, and this creates the perfect basis for a productive scientific cooperation.

A competence centre in human medicine requires the highest level of responsibility when it comes to instrument hygiene. Thus the Dutch-British company Synergy Healthcare B.V. is responsible for the disinfection of surgical instruments at AMC Amsterdam. Synergy Healthcare PLC is the largest provider of outsourced disinfection services for the reprocessing of medical instruments in the United Kingdom. The company recently enhanced its service catalogue with a procedure for the sustainable treatment of flexible endoscopes. The surgical department of AMC is busy for 15 hours every day and has an annual throughput of approximately 2.5 million instruments.